High Carbon Stock (HCS)

As part of our sustainability commitment, the Company undertakes efforts to preserve forest ecosystems within our concession areas. These efforts involve protecting areas with High Carbon Stock (HCS) as protected forest areas according to High Carbon Stock assessment parameters.

High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach

The HCS approach is designed to protect and restore suitable tropical forest areas within landscapes being converted for plantations, ensuring they remain safe and sustainable. This method educates land managers on how to determine forest types and make appropriate decisions about whether land can be developed or must be conserved. The approach is unique because it provides a clear stratification methodology for vegetation types for the purpose of forest conservation. By using satellite imagery and linking it with carbon measurements in above-ground biomass, vegetation is classified into High Density Forest, Medium Density Forest, Low Density Forest, Young Regenerating Forest, Scrub, and Open Land/Bare Land. These classifications are indicated by their carbon stock value (<35 C tons/ha). Therefore, the HCS approach aims to protect the remaining tree cover in palm oil production zones and fulfill the commitment to zero deforestation.

The Company has an HCS concession area covering 5,782.11 hectares. We have conducted periodic HCS assessments in our concession areas step by step since 2016. Sustainable palm oil practices are essential for protecting the environment, especially in areas categorized as High Carbon Stock (HCS). Practical steps we take to implement sustainable palm oil practices include:


    1. Protecting and conserving areas independently identified as High Carbon Stock (HCS).
    2. Ensuring no land clearing for palm oil in areas independently identified as HCS.
    3. Prohibiting development on peatlands.
    4. Committing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
    5. Maintaining a zero-incident record for land fires.


Actively educating the community, employees, and contractors about HCS forest areas within the concession to prevent the reduction of quantitative and qualitative conservation values.

Gedung Gold Coast, Tower Liberty Lt. 16 A- H Jl. Pantai Indah Kapuk, RT.6, RW.2, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14470


(021) 50205811

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